433 East Lamar,
Jasper, TX 75951
Monday - Friday: 8AM-5PM Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Carports & Patio Covers
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Customer Testimonials
Blake is very professional and provides excellent service at a great price.
- Dennis Craft
I called him to come check out some things. He cleaned the entire roof, checked everything, made repairs, work was great and very well priced
- sweetmylk82
Great quality service. Very fast response when I was needing someone to look at my roof on my business. Was able to get it fixed same day as I called....
- Destiny H
Kustom Contruction did a 1st class job. Blake is highly dependable and will get the job done to your liking.
- Stephen Bush
Blake and his crew did an amazing job.... The work ethic, they worked until the job was done and my new roof looks amazing.
- brian williams
Very fast response when I was needing someone to look at my roof. Mr. Harris was able to fix the same day as I called. He was very professional. He...
- Amy Walker
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